Thank you for your interest in our Student Support Services program!  Please complete this application as thoroughly as possible.  You cannot save and restart this application.  You may want to review the included items, take some time to make notes and gather the required documents, and then return to submit your application.  If you have any questions, please call our office at or (305) 348-6424.

General Information:
Panther ID *
Last Name: *
First Name: *
Middle Name:
Date of Birth: *
Describe your primary reason for applying: *
Address: *
Address 2:
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Home Phone
Cell Phone Number: *
Occasionally SSS may need to contact you via text message to deliver an important message or announcement. May SSS Contact you via text? *
Email Address: *
Alternative Email Address (Non-FIU Email) *
Are you a Citizen or Legal Resident of the United States *
Is your local address the same as your permanent address?
Gender *
Do you identify as Hispanic/Latino? *

Please select all the ethnicities which you identify with below:
Asian *
American Indian or Alaskan Native *
Black or African American *
Hawaiian or other Native to Pacific Island *
White *

How did you hear about the Student Support Services Program (Select all that apply)?
Faculty Member
Our Website
Our Brochures/Advertising
Another Student
Another TRIO Program such as Upward Bound or SSS at Another Institution (Please list which):
FIU Golden Scholars
FIU Fostering Panther Pride
Social Media

Academic Info:
Current GPA:
How many classes are you taking?
College Grade Level at start of current academic year *

Upload your FIU Unofficial Transcript. This can be found in your Student Center page in PantherSoft. To upload this, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign on to

2. Once you are logged on, go to the Student Center section of the screen.

3. Click on the Academic records tab on your Student Center page. 

4. Under the Academics section click on the drop down box that says “Transcripts” and select “View unofficial Transcript.”

5. In the View Unofficial Transcript page, in the report type drop down box select “UGRD/GRAD Record Unoff.” Then click “go”.

6. Download the report results as a PDF. 

7. Upload below. 

Please upload your FIU Unofficial Transcript here *
Are you a first generation college student (Neither of your parents has a bachelor's degree)? *

Please use the link below to have your parent or legal guardian sign the First Generation Verification Form (if applicable).

First Gen Form Link:

Do you currently reside with both of your parents?
Are you currently receiving Federal Financial Aid? *
Do you receive the Pell Grant? *

Upload your Financial Award Summary from PantherSoft. This is the page that lists any scholarships, grants, or loans you are receiving such as the Pell Grant. To upload this, follow the steps below:

1. Sign on to

2. Once you are logged on, go to the Student Center section of the screen. 

3. Click on tab that reads " Financial aid."

4. Click on "Print Summary (right side/top corner)." 

5. Download the financial aid award notice as a PDF.

6. Upload below. 

Please upload your Financial Award Summary. *
Are you receiving any loans?
Which loans are you receiving (Select all that apply) ? 
Stafford Loans
Plus Loans/Parents Plus
Federal Perkins Loans
Are you eligible to receive services from the Disability Resource Center? *
In what capacity are you eligible to receive services from the Disability Resource Center?

Family Information:
Parents Educational Level: *
How many people in your household at home? *
Family Income Range: *

In order to verify that you meet the income level eligibility, you  must upload ONE of the following: 

Income Level Verification Upload *

Needs Assessment
In which areas will you need assistance (Select all that apply)?
Academic Advising
Personal Counseling
Career Counseling
In which subject(s) could you use tutorial assistance? Please Specify
Language Arts:
Foreign Language:
Which of these workshops would you be most interested in attending? Please rate these on a scale of 1 - 5. On the scale, 1 would be of most interest and 5 of least interest.
Study Skills *
Time Management *
Self Confidence *
Conquering Procrastination *
Overcoming Test Anxiety *
University Policies *
Majors / Minors *
Disability / Health Issues *
Financials *
Technology *
Career Selection *
Career Management *
Internship Opportunities *
Leadership Skill Development *
Communication Skills *
Writing Skills *
Goal Setting *
Multicultural/Intercultural Topics
Community Service Opportunities
Research Opportunities *
Do you know what your Major area of study will be? If Yes, please specify. *
What profession would you like to pursue?
What is the highest degree you plan on obtaining?
How Comfortable are you with the process of completing the FAFSA Application? *
How would you categorize your understanding of the requirements of financial aid forms and processes? *
How much do you know about loan repayment and loan reduction programs? *
How would you categorize your understanding of how credit cards and credit scores function? *
Are you currently employed? *
What kind of job do you have?
How many hours do you work weekly?
What is the name of your employer?

Setting up Your First Meeting

Complete the list below with your top 3 times that you are available to meet with your SSS coach on Monday through Friday from 9:00AM –5:00PM for your initial one-on-one meeting. For examples, "I can do Mondays from 1-5PM". We will then schedule you based on this information. 

Which campus do you frequent the most?
Meeting Time 1:
Meeting Time 2:
Meeting Time 3:

SSS Questionnaire:
Florida International University’s Student Support Services Program is trying to improve admissions procedures by studying additional information about students. Results will be reported to groups only; no individuals will be identified. Please fill out the survey by using this link:

Sign and Submit:
Applicant Signature *
Please select a signature verification type.
Terms of Submission:
By submitting this application, you acknowledge that all of the above information is correct and accurate to the best of your understanding.